Performing multiple networks at an upcoming concert

Hello! I have about 6 network projects I’ve created. I’m wondering if anyone can point me to the process by which I can present all 6 one at a time without opening each project. I think perhaps I’m having a hard time finding a solution because I don’t know all the lingo and process.

There will be a computer connected to a projector and a folder of 6 networks ready to perform from a midi controller. What I can’t wrap my head around is how I would move from one network to the next seamlessly.

My noobie head thought I could open all 6 before the show and simply stop all the timelines. Then move to the one I want to perform and start the timeline x 6. I’m sure there is a better way.

Thank you!

This conundrum is one of the primary issues most of us face for sure, and it’s a tough one to approach as a newer user, but each time you approach it you get a deeper understanding of TD that’s for sure, story of my life… and many of the people here in the community!

The notion of “scenes” is the biggest helpful concept here. You will inevitably need to merge all those individual projects into a single TOE as separate scene components ( each project inside a new component) and manage how you jump between them and what your expectation of “seamless” is. As well you can likely share some resources like your midi input and your video output routing… but in its simplest form you can just string the resulting output of all of these components into a switch TOP and change the index to send the right scene to your output window.

Some folks load toxes ( on disk components ) on demand and throw “used” ones away by deleting them, thus freeing up the ram and processing being used by them. Both of these actions can cause hiccups depending on how complex the components are, so its important to know how much of a “hang” you can tolerate. Truly seamless switching between multiple complex scenes is basically an art. Thankfully, one recently developed tool by Jarrett at Derivative makes some of it easier, the sceneSwitcher you can find on the forum and in the palette. Learning how to use this can be very helpful.

Memory management and media management are also good things to learn to do. One of the simple tricks for memory management is to have a quick way to reduce the resolution of TOPs in a scene to 2x2 while not in use to save that GRAM. Switching this will still likely cause a hiccup, but perhaps not as much as a tox load up…

Lots of options depending on your needs, switch TOP between components is the simplest though if you’ve got the resources to keep everything loaded all the time!


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Hi P - I truly appreciate you taking the time to write this out for me. I hope other newbies find your words valuable. I’ll dig into some of this and see what I can learn in the next few days.

Appreciate your help!