PhaserCHOP: Overdrive

The PhaserCHOP is incredible for different animations, especialy looking at UI-Animations like buttons fading in etc.
I would like to propose that it would be nice to be able to overdrive the input though.
Right now we can only work between 0 and 1, filling the values from left to right.
For certain animations I would love to be able to overdrive the input from 1 to 2, doing the same with the phased values.
Also, it would be nice if an alternative mode would allow for a decrease in value, from left to right.

I made a little COMP doing that behaviour but could see it being native in the future.,

ProgressedPhase.tox (1.5 KB)

Hi @alphamoonbase,

could be described for an extend condition for the time (just thinking that this is similar to phase). Options for:

  • Cycle
  • Mirror
  • Mirror Slope?
  • Add

The last one being the mode where values just keeps rising…


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Yeah, sounds even better then my initital idea.