Created 2 tox files to display yr photos on monitor 2. Just drag and drop any number of photos into the box.
The files are great for beginners to understand more on TouchDesigner.
mostly self explanatory. Rotate cw or ccw or delete photos. You can manually choose to view yr photos or run as a slideshow.
a really quick and easy version of PhotoOut.tox . Really great for hooking up to filter .tox examples found in the palette browser of TouchDesigner. Features the same “drag and drop any number of photos into the box” option.
Move yr mouse over any pic to:
Right mouse button - rotate pic in CW direction
Middle mouse button - deleted pic
Left click to select a picture and output it.
Will try to add support for videos in the next version.
PhotoOutQnE.tox (4.18 KB)
PhotoOut.tox (18.5 KB)