Piping Art-Net from DMXOUT to Pixlite4MKII

Hi guys, I got really far in my pixelmapping project. But now I am on a point, where I got stuck and I ran out of options, what to try next.

My project: I want to map the pixels of 2 150px-pixel-stripes via Pixlite4MKII and want to arrange them to a box shape.

Where I am right know: Pixlite is connected properly to electricity. The Pixelstripes are also connected and their presets are working. I connected the pixlite via ethernet to my PC and my PC can detect the pixlite device with the advatek-tool. I set the DMXOUT Parameters to Art-Net and filled out the Network Tab with the Network-+Local-IP.
example video: https://youtu.be/Eo2-hkHX1Ik

The problem: Only the first Pixel is lighting up with a white color. It occasionally lights up pink(what would make sence, because of the Color-ramp that feeds the output), but I don’t see a temporal connection to this behaviour. Can you please have a look into the project file? Maybe I got something wrong.

13 workshop cube model 1stripe 150px.toe (13.6 KB)

PS: I wrote an ‘X’ on purpose to the end of my IP-adress. lol

kind regards,


Your channel name in the DMX Routing Table DAT is wrong. The channel coming into the DMX Out CHOP is named universe00 but the channel name in the attached routing DAT is universe0. And I don’t know if it matters, but the “Local Port” on the DMX Out CHOP is set to 0 instead of it’s default of -1

Also are you sure you have the right pixel type selected in the Advatek Pixlite settings? I don’t think any of the test patterns in the PixLite should make it flicker like that - and the wrong pixel type might still make other pixel types kinda light up, but usually in an erratic manner similar to what that video shows.

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Solution was to rename the universe to “universe0”.

Thank you Peeet!

So the LEDs are receiving data know, but the color has an offset on the color spectrum. Do you have an idea on how, I can deal with that?

example video: https://youtu.be/vMUFABTQDs8

Advatek Assistent Config Control
Advatek Assistent Config LEDs

I used a hsvadj-TOP to give it the right HUE_OFFSET, but the offset value varies from color to color:
When I send green, I need a HUE OFFSET with -110 to fit the output according to the input.
When I send red, I need a HUE OFFSET with -241 to fit the output according to the input.

Not all LED strips follow the “RGB” order, in fact almost none do. The setting in the second PixLite screen called “RGB Order” lets you choose what order the LEDs on the strip are expecting and will allow the PixLite to receive RGB and convert it to GRB or whatever your strip is. Based on that video, it looks like you have GRB LEDs.

It works. Thank you!