Polling RS232 serial devices

HI there,

Talking to this company about buying one of their frequency meters for a project.
Idea is to get data from it to help drive an installation.
It’s a USB input, and should connect nicely to the Serial Chop or serial DAT.
But they’ve said the following…

Our SD037 is available with an RS-232 data interface. The protocol requires the device to be polled for data updates, so the frequency data is not sent unsolicited. I’m not able to comment on whether the CHOP interface would work out of the box with the SD037.

Do I need to do anything special to poll the device?

They probably have some documentation. The SerialDAT is a two way communication, so you can send data to the connected device too.

Either via sendBytes() or send()

I also assume the serialCHOP will not work out of the box. (tbh never used it). Use the serialDAT and the callbacks to parse the data.
Depending on the data and how it is sent you might even ba able to use the native python struct module: