I have noticed it isn’t possible to use last menu option in popMenu in case title is used. It is easily reproducible with default popMenu component from the palette. Just drop it into the network, enable Print Callbacks and try to rollover or select last item (which says Unchecked). PopMenu will report you have selected second item from the bottom (which says Checked). Now try to remove title and try it again - it should work as expected (allowing you to rollover or select last item). Tested on Windows 10, 2022.33600
Added to bug queue! Thanks for report!
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Yup definitely confirmed this bug.
Workaround: When a title is present and you click on the bottom item, the select callback has the incorrect ‘item’ entry in the info dict, but the ‘index’ entry is always -2. You can test for that to react to clicking on the bottom entry.
Will be fixed in next release.
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