Positioning a normal map on a sphere

Hello all,

I am looking to research more about positioning texture on a shape. I have a Sphere SOP that I want to place and position the normal map on a phong that is used on the Sphere. I send my Moviefilein1 to my Phong to use as a normal map.

This material is used on the sphere SOP. But I cannot achieve the results I wish.

This is my movilefile in that is used as the image for the normal map

But this what I get on my sphere in the GEO

I suppose what I want to do is use the image of the circle on the front half of the sphere and the same image on the back half of the sphere

Maybe something like this -

What direction should I be looking at to research more? UV Texture mapping?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


Hi, the Texture SOP let you manipulate the uv coordinates of your SOP, have you given that a try?