PowerPoint and Keynote Style Transitions

I’m using TD similar to PPT in a couple of projects but am struggling with the best way to proceed with creating simple/quick animations as image transitions.

Beginners: I haven’t completely annotated the file but there may be a couple of concepts used that are obvious. Please let me know if they aren’t obvious and we’ll point them out to you - this took me quite a while to figure out, especially being new at procedural animation & programming.

Seasoned Beginners: Do you see anything that could be done better? There’s a lot I have not yet added to make this a functional application but I’m just playing with transition possibilities at this point.

Experts: Is there a better approach or example I should take while attempting these transitions? Rob Bairos created the fx for transition3 (thanks Rob!) but I haven’t quite brained out the back side of the grid flip. I think I need a 2nd grid for this.

Again, let me know if you have any question or comments.

TOPTransitions.17.toe (19.9 KB)

Your networks are nice and clean, easy to understand.

To grab the channels out of /control/chan in each of the transitions I would recommend using a Select CHOP instead of the Constant CHOP w/expression you use.
This way your expression in the Constant CHOP

op('../control/chan')[str(me.parent().base) + str(me.parent().digits)]

can be simplified to the following in the Channel Name parameter of the Select CHOP


The output connectors from the 1st and 3rd transition COMPs aren’t consistent, one I think for transistion3 you mean to have the Render → Out

The second transition opens with errors, so I can’t check it out. It is looking for something called …/slicer which doesn’t exist and is giving errors. This is in build 20560.