Problem controlling pointcloud position as intended

Hello guys,
I’m a bit new on TD and been experimenting a lot. I’ve been playing around creating my pointclouds and trying to manipulate them.
I’m trying to add a mask and add to my position values this way: threshold>>constant to my “position” TOP for the point clouds, but I have noticed that I don’t get any changes after the RGB values of 0. and 1.

Since I probably explained this poorly this is the video i followed on YT:

at the minute 11:50 is where i get lost…

by the way I have an older version of TD and so my constant needs to be multiplied to the threshold and it works of course but I do not get any changes after the 0.-1. values of the constant top…

[update, I do use a math TOP to compensate but would like to know what the deal is to understand better what is happening]

Thank you in advance for you responce,


This description is very hard to follow with no links to the material you’re basing your explorations on or screenshots of the problem you’re facing against the expected behavior. If I understood correctly, you’re trying to overcome positional data in a TOP being clamped to the [0, 1] interval, if so, this is usually a consequence of using fixed-point texture formats.
Try setting the output texture format of your source TOPs to 32-bit floating point RGB or RGBA.

Thanks for your reply and yes, it is poorly explained… if you could watch those 2 minutes of the youtube video it would immediately be clear…

I had already tried changing all the tops to 32-bit float RGB or RGBA and still had the same problem.

I have found a way to work around the problem but i would like to understand better what is happening! (the work around is with a simple Math TOP and scaling the RGBA values to where i want)

Hey @EK_appa,

what version of TouchDesigner are you using?
Generally it’s clear what is happening in the video unfortunately no way to tell what is happening on your end.
If you could post your file that’d be very helpful.
