Problem using python pulse() method

I’m currently working through the LA Workshop | Movie Select UI listed here: [url][/url]

TL:DR pulse() method doesn’t do anything when referencing op(‘/movielib/container1/moviefilein1’).par.cuepulse.pulse(), but I can still set the value of parameters like ~~~.par.cuepulse = 1

During the video labeled Part 3 of 5, where we are editing the replicator Dat file containing the onReplicate callback, we are trying to reference a TOP from in one of our containers. The TOP is labeled ‘moviefilein1’ and when I try and call c.op(‘/movielib/container1/moviefilein1’).par.cuepulse.pulse(), nothing happens like I am expecting it to. Although, when I manually pulse the parameter I get my expected result.

Am I doing something wrong here ? I’m using TD 099, and the video is from an older version. Did something change?

I can’t see what you’re doing, nor do I know the TD build and OS you are using, but here’s a demo using the pulse() method. Right-click the Text DAT and choose Run Script - notice the movie index resetting.

I added an Info CHOP to the Movie File In CHOP to show where the current index is, as these demo nature movies are not very unusable as in you can hardly see if they are moving or not :wink:
pulse_demo.tox (478 Bytes)


Build: 64-Bit 2018.25850 Non-Commercial

Here is a link to the workshop in question: [url][/url]
The specific Timecode is @ [12:42]

Opening up your tox file I was able to successfully run your script. This led me to try basically the same thing in my own file, with success ! However, the issue I am having is specifically with the Replicator Comp and its callback function. Using the same format that I am using outside of the replicator, I am still unable to successfully call the pulse() when ‘Recreate All Operators’ is triggered.

I’m going to attach my .toe file. The video files are super large, and it won’t make sense if I just use images. If you navigate to /movielib as well as /movielib/container1 you will see the extent of my patch. The replicator in question is located at /movielib and labeled ‘replicator1’ . The intended interaction is for the replicator to call the cuepulse.pulse() on the ‘item*’ containers when operators are added//recreated.
movielib.2.toe (4.69 KB)

I see.
Well the tutorial is already 4 years old, a better approach these days to get what you want (loading the first frame) would be to just enable the ‘reload’ toggle on the moviefilein1 in the master comp. This makes sure it always reloads whenever the filename changes, so you don’t have to hack it yourself anymore in the replicator callback.

PS I notice you’re using a TD build which is already 8 months old - it would be good to work in the latest stable release, as lots of stuff has been improved in the mean time.