Problem with camera and fbx rendering

Hello again TD community !

Thank’s for helping us :slight_smile:

My problem seems simple but still, i can’t find the solution :

I’m rendering a custom 3D file with FBX module.
I managed to get it centered to apply some rotation on it.

All was good until i tried to translate the camera backward, just a little.
When I do so, and rotate the 3D object, half of it disappear like it’s behind something or leaving the frame.

Edit : Actualy, i translated the camera back to 5 to get this result.
If i translate it to 6, the object completly disappear…

  • Dont look at the red line one first screen, missclic…

Here is the example file : (135.1 KB)

I hope it’s clear enought, let me know if you need something else to understand / help !


Hey @zywolf,

the issue here is the near/far clipping planes of the camera and size as well as position of the geometry.
You can make use of a Import Select SOP to select out the geometry from the FBX COMP and via middle mouse button look at what size it actually has:

I usually try to normalize the size and position of imported models utilizing the Post Transform Parameters of the Transform SOP.

This will center the geometry and proportionally scale it into something that is easier to handle.

Hope this helps

Hey @snaut ,
Select SOP and post-transofrm things are really helpfull !

Thanks again for your help,

Cheers :v: