Im trying to input a sound file and then filter it down so theres much less information using a Lag or Filter node, then using that to controll various parts of the animation.
(I have succesfully done this in Houndini)
but when ever I add a Lag or Filter node the information on the graph completely disapears, and usually just leaves a dotted line, ive zoomed in and out seeing if I was too zoomed in.
Does any one know what I could be doing wrong?
(side question)
I eventually want to have an incoming stream of music coming through and then this to be filtered down like above, do I just use a file stream node instead of a file which I load a music file into?
and how would that work… would it be anything coming through the recording input of the computer…
this is the problem I am getting,
when I put the lag in, it just has one line , and then if i change any parameter it disapears completely, and just leaves the dotted line.
looks like you need to disbale timeslice in the Common page of the lag CHOP parameters.
Depends on what you mean with incoming stream. If it’s coming as an input to your soundcard, you would use an Audio In CHOP. For web or file based streams you would use Audio Stream CHOP
ahh thanks, the disabling the timeslice sorted it.
I knew it was somthing silly >_<
and with the audio input, I basically want it to react to a DJ set coming from decks, so Im assuming the best thing to do would be having it come from the recording input into the computer/soundcard?
Have you heard about Andrew Lowell’s “Simultaneous Music, Animation, and Sound with Houdini” book. … urces.html
It’s for Houdini, but all the concepts are eaily transfered to touch. It teaches you a great amount of audio related CHOP techniques, but keep in mind that they are allmost all for “offline processing/analysis”.
There’s also some Houdini audio stuff (which you might be able to transfer to touch) at