protocol Touch in/out TOP

Hello guys,
anybody know the protocol Touch use to stream a TOP over network via TouchIn/Out TOP?

I have two Problems:
First i want stream the Desktop from an TabletPC (RealTimePaint with a Pen). On this Tablet Touch isnt working because there is only a IntelOnBoard grafics. So i need a Tool, a Program that stream the Desktop directly to TouchDesigner.
Anybody know a Tool? maybe VLC Player, VNC someThing like that.

The Second Problem is in my opinion the same Problem. I want stream via TouchOUT TOP to a thinClient. On the ThinClien is the projector, and TouchDesigner dosent work on it. So I need a Player that show the Stream.

Thanks Johannes

The protocol for Touch In/Out isn’t documented right now.
You could use the CPlusPlus TOP to make your own protocol and connection though. You’d connect to your own .exe on the client machines and receive/display the data as needed.

hey Malcolm, did touch 017 have touch in/out?
sometimes touch 017 will run on machines with integrated greaphics instead of discrete ones.
not a great experience though…