Hi there,
for those who follows the (not so interesting) story, I started to work with TD 2 months ago.
I’m trying to retrieve some coding feeling & strategies I already got with Max and procedural/text frameworks like Processing and Openframeworks.
Here, I’d like to open a thread about drawing strategies.
I mean, the very drawing basic 2D.
What would be a good start for this with TD ?
Procedural can be done with pure python, and actually I’d like this (and make some processing/java port to py as exercises).
I checked Drawing in Python - Noah Norman - YouTube
It links python scripting and SOP but I don’t understand the benefits of instancing these whole big machine instead of drawing directly with python in a texture (which I don’t know how to do, in td, and which is maybe the reason I don’t understand the previously exposed “benefit”)
Maybe, the 2D way is very short-sighted as it could be done at the final stage (projecting 3D to 2D)
I’m just trying to evaluate which direction to go for a project and what could be the benefits of td here vs processing (which I know). I’d like to try to do it with td because for me, it is another way to explore with td, at first, and also because I could imagine some benefits.
But as far as I understand the very interesting tuto by Noah, we have to create a “kind of” framework at first (sop, tools, maybe line functions, ellipse and recreating everything) and then using it as a template and only modify the draw loop part of scripts, am I right ?
If this post makes sense to some of you, I’d be very interested by how you’d approach this.
Even if it ends by : “you know processing, use it for this kind of projects”