PyObject improvement

Hi there,

I was trying out the new feature of feeding pyObjects to cplusplus CHOPs via parameters and ran into two inconveniences, when using large dicts.

The dicts are fully displayed in the paramater field, which of course takes a long time to load each time I select the cplusplusCHOP and the custom parameter page becomes visible. (I am pulling the dict from an extension via an expression.)

The second problem is, when I unload the dll the frame rate drops drastically, so I have to bypass the cplusplusCHOP before unloading the dll.

Being able to feed more complex data structures to cplusplus operators is a great feature and it would be real nice, if those two things could be improved.

Best wishes,

As a potential workaround, speedup, can you pass custom objects, from which you could query the larger objects?

Good thinking, thank you rob!