Are there python equivalents of controlpanel commands?
couldn’t find any in the wiki!!! … el_Command
A lot of this functionality is in this class: … COMP_Class
Now I have a container with a menu made of buttons, and i reached to open a viewer,
but how can I set the position of the viewer window?
That is just fixed in the top left.
You should use a Window COMP for all your windowing needs. The ability to control a windowmhas been consolidated in there instead of a seperate set of script commands.
I am trying to create a dropdown menu component, with python scripting instead of tscript,
but i am having issues with positioning using a window comp and winopen.
How can you I displace the viewer in the exact position (instead of right,left, mouse…)
or if the only way is using mouse + offset,
how can i get the position of another object (eg, a button or container) as a reference to put the window comp close to it?!