hi, everyone;
I would like to create a folder with dmx fixtures (txt, py or xml), with pyhton expressions in it, of several equipments and import them inside my project. so I can control some parameters directly by constant chop and others by receiving the values from red, green and blue that are updated from a color picker in a video. on that way, also select which equipment i will use in the performance, creating the UI automatically, with the channels related to each fixture.
did anyone ever did something similar to that?
i am kind of lost here…
for example, if my equipment has the following channels:
- red
- white
- green
- intensity
- blue
i would create a txt or xml as below, so red, green and blue receive the values from inside TD:
- op(‘constant1’)[‘red’]
- white
- op(‘constant1’)[‘green’]
- intensity
- op(‘constant1’)[‘blue’]
below is a .toe if that helps the understanding.
thank you!
dmx_one_point.toe (6.2 KB)