python extensions for windows

I wish to install pywin32 extensions but the installer isnt finding a Python install. I found the Python app at C:\Program Files\Derivative\TouchDesigner088\bin, but not successful in typing it into installer interface. Should I have a full install of Python in addition to the one that Touch presumably installs? OR should I somehow point the installer towards the TD install of Python ?

error is:
“Python 3.3 required , not found in registry”

I would do a regular separate version of Python. We don’t ‘install’ Python really, it just comes with our installer and it sits in the TD directory. We don’t do any work to make it available to the rest of the system.

Here are some more tips on using external modules with TouchDesigner: … ng_Modules

Ive installed a copy of Python 3.3.
I’m having trouble proceeding though…
the package i want to install is :

it only describes installing using PIP (i think)
I attempted to install pip but it doesn’t show up on my Python command line.

In order to install pip I needed to install pywin32-extensions which I believe I did (how do I know if it did correctly ?) … e/download

so apparently I cant install becasue I cant figure out how to make the ‘easy’ installer work!

Seems like pip is integrated in python 3.4 installs, but we arent there yet ?

shotts in the dark, but reseasrch suggeting it has to do with my ‘path variable’ ?

which is:

which doesn’t sound correct, but I’m really not sure what Im doing here.
but im agonna try just:


I got something installed (I think) but python doesn’t seem to be finding the module, either in TD textport or a standalone Python shell, I’m assuming that theinstaller didnt work properly and/or some path isnt set properly as a result. I re-checked PATH variables, dunno what else to do:

python >>> import pyttsx
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 1, in
File “C:/Program Files/Derivative/TouchDesigner088/bin/”, line 147, in tdcustomimport
r = previousimport(*args, **kw)
File “C:/Python33/Lib/site-packages\”, line 18, in
from engine import Engine
File “C:/Program Files/Derivative/TouchDesigner088/bin/”, line 147, in tdcustomimport
r = previousimport(*args, **kw)
ImportError: No module named ‘engine’
python >>>
python >>>
python >>> engine = pyttsx.init()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 1, in
NameError: name ‘pyttsx’ is not defined
python >>>
python >>>
python >>> engine.say(‘Sally sells seashells by the seashore.’)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 1, in
NameError: name ‘engine’ is not defined
python >>>
python >>>
python >>> engine.say(‘The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.’)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “”, line 1, in
NameError: name ‘engine’ is not defined
python >>>
python >>>
python >>> engine.runAndWait()

Just discovered you need to:



to get the win32 extensions visible.
From there you can at least access basic SAPI modules.


so… python doesn’t seem to be case-sensitive here when it comes to paths ? My folder is ‘pythonwin’ and it seems to work fine.

Sounds right.
Python path case sensitivity for file names follows the operating system its running on.
So, case insensitive for windows.