Python openExportMovie() question

I’m using the command:


to open the exportMovieDialog to export movies (non-realtime) from a UI button. It seems the command won’t take any arguments. Is there a way to specify which TOP to export when calling the command?


Unfortunately not.
However it will be added to the next build


where path can be a string, or an OP (since OPs automatically string cast to their full paths)

In the meantime, you can run it in tscript as:

run /ui/dialogs/dialog_exportmovie/launch node_path

Note to run a tscript command from a python script, put the tscript in a separate DAT, set its language parameter to Python, and run that DAT with a .run() command in your original python script.

text1 (set to tscript) contains: echo abc
text2 (set to python) contains: op(‘text1’).run()

The ‘chopsample’ syntax error you see has also been removed in the next build.

One may note that the process to run one script from another works the same for both Tscript and Python scripts.

For passing an argument from one Python Script to another, one merely passes the arguments into the function parenthesis:

Launcher Script:


Script to run:


In python you can actually access the arguments just by doing args[0], args[1].