Python Question: Using me.digits in a node

hi everyone,

I am trying to do everything in python now instead of Tscript as a learning exercise.

I have a series of containers and series of matching chops above these containers.
I want to access a value inside each container that relates (last digit in name) to the relevant node.

I could manually type in op(‘in1/buttonPlayNull’)[‘v1’] then op(‘in2/buttonPlayNull’)[‘v1’] etc into each node, but would like to use me.digits so I can cut and paste at will/save time

Am i even close with op(‘in’ + str(me.digits)/buttonPlayNull’)[‘v1’] ?

Thanks in advance…

Very close, just need another plus symbol since you’re still in the middle of a string concatenation:

op('in' + str(me.digits) + '/buttonPlayNull')['v1']

Thanks, That would not have occurred to me.

Much appreciated…