So I’d love to only use python and not Tscript, but there seems to be a huge performance gap, I’m wondering where it’s coming from ?
I did a simple test where I’m adding two chops using an expression chop.
Tscript is $V+ic(1,0,$I)
Python is me.inputVal+op(‘constant2’)[0][me.curSample]
For 3000 samples, Tscript expression chop cook time is 2 ms, Python expression chop is 13 ms.
For reference, math chop is 0.02 ms…
And to be complete I did a c++ chop add, which gives 0.03ms (looks like there’s some little overhead?)
See attached test file.
This is ultimately to drive geometry instances transforms.
So as expected c++ is the way to go for performance, but it’s a bit disappointing python is so slow, which makes it barely usable even for prototyping except for light geometry.
I guess it would be the same for custom attributes in a point SOP.
Any way to make it faster? Else I’m going back honing my tscript expressions skills for now!
When I use a script CHOP however, it gets much faster, especially when I use numpy to add the arrays, making it faster than the tscript expression CHOP even:
Without numpy:
def cook(scriptOP):
a = scriptOP.inputs[0]
b = scriptOP.inputs[1]
t1 = scriptOP[0]
t2 = b[0]
l = scriptOP.numSamples
for i in range(l):
t1[i] += t2[i]
Thanks for the quick reply.
Well that’s interesting and good to know!
Indeed even the script chop without numpy is faster than the expression chop with tscript.
On my system :
Script chop without numpy : 1.4 ms
Script chop with numpy : 1.1 ms
Also I did one more expression chop with
and this is 7 ms, so already a lot faster than with the op() function.