Question about merge CHOP

Hi everyone,

Here is my situation:
I want to use KORG nanoKontrol(midi controller) to control TD while in performing.
I setup 5 button to trigger 5 different number to set the Camera’s “Z axis” via CHOP export.
My question is how to merge the different number into one as the variable for Camera’s Z axis ?



Input the five channels into one merge CHOP,
then take that merge CHOP into a Logic CHOP set to ‘Radio’ + ‘Highest Index On’
This will output the index of the last channel that went off to on.

You can then take this index value and either use expressions to look into a Table DAT,
or perhaps just use a lookup CHOP with a graph, to extract the Z value you want.

Then take that looked-up value and export to the Camera Z Axis.
Perhaps lag it first to avoid sharp jumps.

Ive attached a simple example.
radio_button.tox (6.04 KB)