Question about yday channel in Clock CHOP

I am not sure, but I notice that the year day channel (yday) return a value that is one less than you will get in a epoch time converter online. I guess it is because the value reflect the fact that the day is not complete (like for minutes or hours values). And I guess that if I check the Clock CHOP the first of January, channel yday will show 0. But the documentation tell that January 1st will start at 1.
This is just puzzling me.
Best regards.

Finally, after looking again at the problem and at the CHOP behavior, I think that the wiki page should be corrected:

Instead of
«If Output is Units, it is the Day of year, starting with 1 for January 1.»
I should be
«If Output is Units, it is the Day of year, starting with 0 for January 1.»

Day of year is same logic as day of week. They both start at 0.

can you guys update the Offline Help file please?


Sorry for the delay. The documentation has been updated!