Hi guys, I’m in a real loop hole here. I have x number of points on a circle, and when I apply colour to it’s points via sop to and op to chain, I seem to get irregular amount of points highlighted by the colours of the radial ramp. When it shows it’s only 3 points white in some areas, in some it’s much greater number. Could any know what the reason may be?
I’m trying to give out the dmx values for each point with a ramp so that I can control the colour values of each pixel. Attached example file too.
Since you are sampling a texture, the UVs go from 0-1. However your circle’s position in x and y is from -1 to 1, so it is sampling outside the texture giving unexpected results.
Scale and position the circle such that it sits within 0-1 in x and y.
Also I noticed one of your TOP to CHOPs was using slow mode, I switched it so they are both using fast mode.
The resolution of your Ramp TOP is uneccessarily high, droppping it down to 256x256 massively improves performance. philippe.1.toe (13.9 KB)