I had a seemingly random freeze up last night during a livestream (coincidentally was when 100+ twitch raiders entered the stream.?) and so I have the crashed toe file but no dump file. I had to quickly get it going again so I cancelled the Windows error reporting. of course the Windows 10 event log doesn’t tell me what the issue was. The issue occurred during a song and the entire project froze up. I use the ‘Scenes’ type of setup (although I’m not sure it benefits me but that’s a diff topic). My question is, how do I even start to try to figure out why it froze up ? the last time it froze up was in January so its not often.
I’m going to try the following:
changing the cameras back to ‘direct show’
testing the show during the same times of day (and during the day)
use the performance monitor & probe to see if anything jumps out.
If I can get video of the occurrence, I’ll post a link.
Had this issue happened again last night during a live performance. This is very frustrating. There is seemingly no reason this is happening, it just freezes and I have to kill the process. Nothing in the event log and the toe restarts fine.
I have a hunch that it’s a USB camera issue. In one instance, a camera froze up and the image was stuck. But the rest of the toe was still running. The video device in was stuck on “initializing” but the light on the cam was not on. I’m wondering if the cable is too long at 15 feet.
Is there no logging? How do I setup some kind of error trapping? If it is the usb camera, is there no error handling that could be setup so it doesn’t freeze the entire toe?
I see an error dat in my future
TouchDesignerCrash.2022.32120.1.dmp (950.3 KB)
Here’s the dump file. I suspect the issue is related to NDI. When it crashed, the NDI portion of the screen was not there. might change to the screen grab TOP & see what happens