Random point on Y axis when instancing point cloud from TOP

I’m currently instancing cubes into a tunnel shape using a Sprinkle SOP to CHOP , and then a chop to TOP. For some reason, the instancing is creating what seems to be a cluster of points at 0,0,0. It is very small, but causing problems when I displace the points using a Noise TOP. Pictures for reference. Any idea how to remove it? I’ve tried using a Delete SOP with a bounding box on the sprinkle SOP but it doesn’t seem to effect them. It seems to me that the points only exist when it is instanced.

The points are currently not at 0,0,0 because im translating them with a point transform TOP.

Hi @hugo.hall,

When converting from CHOP to TOP - especially using the “Fit to Square” option - can create a texture with more pixels than original samples in the CHOP. The extra pixels will be displayed at 0 unless you use the alpha channel of the Texture on the Active parameter of the instancing page on your Geometry COMP…

If this is not the case, please post your project to see what might cause this.
