Random Seed in Replicator everytime i "Recreate All Operator"

Hello there , i’m stuck on this : i want to have some fixed random number in a base and replicate this base and have a different number in each copy.
So far so good i’ve got the expression parent().digits in the seed of a random pattern ( i could also use a Noise in Random ). So the seed is referencing the number of each individual copy.
And if i want an other random number in the base i could have something like parent().digits*999 for exemple.

But , with this technique my “random” numbers will always be the same every time.
What if i want a fixed random number every time i hit “Recreate All Operator” ?

what’s the solution to this ?

Thank you ! here’s a screenshot and the file <3

replicator_randomseed.toe (4.3 KB)

Use the callbacks on the replicator

hey @simonsimonsimon,
what about instead of parent().digits, use parent().digits * me.cookStartTime

from TD docs:

cookStartTimefloat (Read Only):

Last offset from frame start at which this operator cook began, expressed in milliseconds.

I tested it in your file, it seems to work, everytime I Recreate All Operator the numbers populating the seed field are different

Hello !
I didn’t know this cookStarTime trick , but again , there’s A LOT of thing i don’t know :smiley:

It works ! Thanks !

is there a List of expression usable with “me.” or “parent.” available somewhere ? could be handy <3

Thanks again !

Look up the TD documentation page.

You can get to the documentation and to other useful places directly from TD. That’s usually how I do it to look up for help for a specific operator

Put any operator in your network, then click where I put the arrows.
right click on the operator to see that windows that says “Operator Snippets” etc…

I hope this helps!