Hi there,
let me explain the project principle:
I am creating a random video player player filling video “buffers” when a video is triggered. I have created 10 video buffers potentially playing simultaneously and I am compositing the result. The all thing is controlled by an animation graph. When a video is played it triggers a midi adress.
First issue:
I don’t know why, but sometimes the op(‘Hold1’) is triggering a new number, some video buffers are empty, but the video doesn’t populate the player. It is quite rare but it happens. I have monitored my RAM and CPU/GPU, nothing crazy.
2nd issue:
I am a noob with Python… any help cleaning the chopexecute codes would be much appreciated. I am pretty sure it is over complicated for what it does!
Thanks a lot
Random video buffer player and Midi sync.toe (9.9 KB)