i’m having a really basic setup in which I have a table with three url’s of some random images on internet. I also have one moviefilein node and three buttons that suppose to switch url in ‘file’ parameter of moviefilein top. However, when I do this whole TD freezes for a second and then continue working normally. Is it a bug or am I doing smthg wrong?
The process gets held up waiting for the image to load. In the Tune parameters you can set the File Open Timeout to 0, this means the process wont wait for the image to fully load before moving on. If you use this you’ll have to give yourself a little bit of buffer before revealing the image, cause it’ll take a second to download and load up.
Thanks Elburz, that’s exactly what I ended up doing
Anyway, isn’t it kinda buggy thing for TD to do? I mean why stop everything? I’ve seen you mentioned in another post that there is a way to use separate threads in TD.
Not buggy, thats what that parameter controls. I’ve used it before for non-realtime applications, but if you dont want it to hold the process, your bring that down to 0. Same thing applies to the frame read parameter just below.