Real Time Physics and UTF

Is there still a possible release path for these game-changing features? Very curious as there hasn’t been an Experimental update since April 20th. Seems logical due to the Big Spring update, but doublechecking here. Fingers crossed!

UTF is coming in the next experimental branch we post (2018.40000). Physics most likely too unless something large happens to change that. We arn’t sure when that build will be posted, but it’s definitely coming!

Well you have definitely made my day and hyped me up big time, looking forward to it a lot!


I have been googling it without any chance ( believe that it has nothing to do with Unicode transform format) .
What does UTF stand for ?



Hey Xavier,

well in this case it is indeed about Unicode Transformation Format or Unicode support in TouchDesigner! So soon you can use Japanese / Russion / Greek etc characters in DATs and parameters.
grt idzard

Hi Idzard,

ok, thanks
In the context, associated with real time physics , I was expecting some kind of powerful GPU rendering feature. :mrgreen:

Anyway Unicode support is a great feature, in the pipe for quite some time.



UTF - Unveil That Functionality!