Recording camera feed / Realtime flag / FPS

Hello all !

I need some guidance to record a video feed from a SDI camera.
Depending on setup the camera will run alternatively at 25 / 30 / 50 / 59.94fps.
Signal is coming in through a Blackmagic capture card and Video Device In TOP.

Questions :

  1. What should be my global FPS setting : should it precisely match that of the camera feed ? or set to the maximum possible ?
  2. What should be the FPS setting in the Movie File Out TOP : matching the camera ? or something else ?
  3. Should the Realtime flag be ON or OFF ? (I want to record the video feed in realtime without dropped/skipped/duplicate frames)


You should have your timeline set to the camera feed’s timeline. Same thing with the Movie File Out TOP, unless you are looking to downsample the FPS.
You should also have your Window COMP set to have VSync off, and record in Perform Mode, so your monitors FPS doens’t interact with the Window.
Since you are recording a live feed, you want the Realtime flag ON. You’d only want it OFF when you are recording data that can play back at any speed (including slower than it’s target FPS).

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