I created the first draft in the free version for a project. When I then bought a commercial license, my project came to its limits. I only had 3-5 frames per second.
I thought it was due to the license and wrote to support.
They said that the problem could be with the TOP, which have too high a resolution - with the free version these are automatically limited.
The support asked me to post this question here so that everyone can benefit.
I have now manually set all TOPs to 1280x720. Nevertheless, the system is still very slow. It only got a little better when I massively reduced the Num Points in the PointGenerator. Does this mean that these are also automatically reduced in the free version?
Without knowing a little bit more on your system, its difficult to help you
macOs or Windows
what kind of points
For my part, I dont see any difference between commercial and non-comercial concerrning performance. The limit to 1280 x 1280 can help it but not so much.
Have you tried your patch in performance mode?
I am working on a Mac Book Pro M1 Max, certainly not the most powerful graphics card. But with the non-commercial version I always had 60fps.
The PointGenerator comes from the Palette/PointClouds. I would like to post the .toe here, if possible.
in your file, you have a pointGenerator component which is set to create 100.000.000 points in turn creating a 32 bit texture that is 10000x10000 pixels.
This is a too large texture to be processed by your (or most) machine with each TOP consuming ~1.6 GB of video memory.
The initial 1280x1280 limitation of Non-Commercial was putting a cap on that for you.
This is immediately fixed by reducing the Num Points parameter of the pointGenerator component in /project1/RavingFairies to something like 1.700.000 which is close to the previous number of points under the Non-Commercial limit.
You can increase the resolution of the rest of your operators - that should not be an issue anymore.
Thank you very much, Markus.
That was exactly it, thanks for the detailed explanation.
Iām amazed at how good and quick the help is here.
Best regards,