Reduced performance in the commercial version

I created the first draft in the free version for a project. When I then bought a commercial license, my project came to its limits. I only had 3-5 frames per second.
I thought it was due to the license and wrote to support.
They said that the problem could be with the TOP, which have too high a resolution - with the free version these are automatically limited.
The support asked me to post this question here so that everyone can benefit.

I have now manually set all TOPs to 1280x720. Nevertheless, the system is still very slow. It only got a little better when I massively reduced the Num Points in the PointGenerator. Does this mean that these are also automatically reduced in the free version?

Without knowing a little bit more on your system, its difficult to help you

  • macOs or Windows
  • CPU ? GPU ?
  • what kind of points
  • etc.
    For my part, I dont see any difference between commercial and non-comercial concerrning performance. The limit to 1280 x 1280 can help it but not so much.
    Have you tried your patch in performance mode?
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Thank you for your quick reply Jaques,

I am working on a Mac Book Pro M1 Max, certainly not the most powerful graphics card. But with the non-commercial version I always had 60fps.
The PointGenerator comes from the Palette/PointClouds. I would like to post the .toe here, if possible.

Thanks for your help!
02-LUV-Labor.52.toe (238.6 KB)

Hi @biggerpicture,

in your file, you have a pointGenerator component which is set to create 100.000.000 points in turn creating a 32 bit texture that is 10000x10000 pixels.
This is a too large texture to be processed by your (or most) machine with each TOP consuming ~1.6 GB of video memory.
The initial 1280x1280 limitation of Non-Commercial was putting a cap on that for you.

This is immediately fixed by reducing the Num Points parameter of the pointGenerator component in /project1/RavingFairies to something like 1.700.000 which is close to the previous number of points under the Non-Commercial limit.

You can increase the resolution of the rest of your operators - that should not be an issue anymore.

Hope this helps

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Thank you very much, Markus.
That was exactly it, thanks for the detailed explanation.
Iā€™m amazed at how good and quick the help is here.
Best regards,

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