hi guys,
I can not understand a specific situation on referecing…I have been reading tutorial but eventhough I can not solve it.
I have the following path:
Project/multitouch/scene/geo5 - inside geo5 I have a Moviefilein Top
What I want is I have a MoviefileOut at Multitouch level how do I reference it with Moviefilein TOP (that is inside geo5), both have the parameter File. (the picture of the moviefilein have to be the same of the moviefileout)
how do I make this please?
a good practice is to put a Null Top after your movie in, and reference that.
That way you can always put an extra operator in between without having to change the reference.
attached an example for your setup which uses a Select Top.
referencing.toe (4.06 KB)
Thanks alot it helped me alot
Now I have the opposite problem.
In the example you sent me imagine I have a Moviefilein TOP at Project1 level and want to feed the moviefilein inside the scene.
Hi mgebste,
You can do this with either relative or absolute paths to the operator you’re looking to reference.
Here are some examples.
Hope this helps.
referencingEx.toe (4.48 KB)