Refresh parameters pane

Hi all, new to TD and enjoying it so far. Am setting up a work flow that works for me on my first big project but have hit a snag (using 099 build 2020.20020 on OSX 10.14.6).

I don’t like the parameters over my network view so have set up a separate pane for them. However, despite being set to the same path as my main network pane it does not refresh automatically when I select objects in the main pane.

If I select an object in the main pane and then click on the path in the parameter pane it refreshes and works. I thought I might be able to set up a shortcut to trigger a refresh programmatically but ui.panes does not give me access to anything I can use.

Does anyone have a suggestion here?

EDIT - no luck with showInPane() either, can find no examples on how to use this

EDIT 2 - I have since discovered I can refresh by resetting the same owner ( ui.panes[‘pane3’].owner = ui.panes[‘pane3’].owner ) but still need to find a tidy way to automate…


I have a workaround using key to refresh, would be great to find a way to have this trigger whenever a selection is made in a network pane though

def onKey(dat, key, character, alt, lAlt, rAlt, ctrl, lCtrl, rCtrl, shift, lShift, rShift, state, time, cmd, lCmd, rCmd):

if (key == 'p' and state == 1):
	current = ui.panes.current
	if (current.type == PaneType.NETWORKEDITOR):
		foundParams = False
		for p in ui.panes:
			if (p.type == PaneType.PARAMETERS and p.owner == current.owner):
				p.owner = current.owner #refresh pane
				foundParams = True
		# # Replace shortcut func from TouchShortcuts.txt:
		# if (foundParams == False):
		# 	if (current.showParameters):
		# 		current.showParameters = False
		# 	else:
		# 		current.showParameters = True

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