Removing trails in a black over white feedback


I am having trouble making feedback loops where I have a dark color object moving over a light colored background. My understanding is, when you have a feedback loop that is light over a black background you want to see the black level up just a tiny bit from 0 in order to not get faded white trails. I am not able to figure out what level to change in order to get rid of these trails when I have a dark over a light.

I have tried adjusting every value in levels to no avail. Also, I understand for the sake of just black and white I could invert the texture after I’ve done the feedback but I’d like to not have to work in an inverted way first to get a result I want.

Attached is the best explanation I could make in a .toe.
blackOnWhiteFeedback.toe (4.71 KB)


If I understood correct… On the Common Page of your Circle TOP change the Pixel Format to 16-bit Float (RGBA). These “left-over” traces you mention are due to 8-bit resolution.

Hope that helps :slight_smile:

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Hey carloalan,

I don’t believe that solves my issue. The knowledge I have is from following along Matthew Ragan’s tutorials. In his tutorials whenever he makes a feedback loop he sets the black level in the loop to a very small value, like 0.005. What this does is remove a very faint trail that is created when that value is 0.

That trick does not work however when the feedback loop is a dark object on a light object.

Actually, Im sorry. I just alt tabbed back to my example and the 16 bit color does indeed make the trails less. They still hang around for a bit, but not nearly as long as when the color is 8 bit. Is there another technique that would give me finer control over this? With the black level technique I have control over how much trail is left over.