Render of a FBX file (human body from DAZStudio)

Hello everyone :slight_smile:

I’m still a beginner with TouchDesigner, and really want to make audioreactive a DAZStudio human body that I created.

So, I’ve exported in FBX file the human body from DAZ and then put it in TD.

But then, I can’t obtain a render from this, because inside this file, all the mesh are separated, like this :

So I can have a render for just a part but not all the human body… Maybe there is a problem with my DAZ export ? I’m really stuck here.

Thanks by advance for your help.

Hi @Oneshparis,

the FBX COMP can be rendered as well. For that you need a Camera COMP and a Render TOP on which you specify the path of the FBX COMP. An example you can find in the OP Snippet of the FBX COMP.

Also check out our curriculum videos on basic rendering setups:


Hi Markus,

First of all thanks a lot for the answer ! I’m travelling for 3 days but I will check all this and keep you updated as soon as possible :slight_smile:

I got the fact that I can’t directly render fbx file, but I think that didn’t use the CAM and other things well on this case.

Keep you updated, thanks again !

Hi Markus !

I read everything but it remains difficult for me to understand why I get nothing :

It seems to be easy, I’ve already add the camera, and loaded the fbx file… But doesn’t get anything on my render…

I also looked at the snippet for example…

Thanks by advance for your help.

Hi @Oneshparis,

a bit hard to tell just from the screenshot - could you share your file including the fbx?


Hi @snaut !
Yes of course, you re right.
Here is the fbx file : Untitled.fbx - Google Drive

Thanks by advance,

Hi @Oneshparis,

This required 3 extra things:

  • after importing, I had to toggle on the render flag of the “Genesis8Male” Geometry component inside the FBX COMP

  • it was also necessary to add a Light COMP
  • finally I adjusted the Uniform Scale parameter on the Xform page of the FBX COMP to 0.01 to bring it into view of the default camera

Hope this helps

Oh thanks a lot @snaut !
My mistake was, that I played with the scale indeed, but of the import not in the Xform :upside_down_face:

That’s why I couldn’t get it well.
Now it’s good thanks again :slight_smile:

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