Not the best option but you can (depending on your needs) simply lock the TOP to freeze the image. The rendered image will remain as is until you unlock it.
Everything SOP / CHOP is done on the CPU.
As soon as you switch to TOPs or GEO you are on the GPU side.
Middle clic on each operator to have some information about processing ressources.
You can also see the Performance Monitor under the Dialogs menu.
You also have a graphical tool in the palette called Probe
Not sure this is expected but this would make sense to prevent user manipulation errors as locking an operator preserve their data and remove their dependence on external files which can lead to issues or memory saturation i guess.
In the meantime, you can use python to lock/unlock multiple chosen operators. Enter the list of operators in a text DAT then right clic on it and select Run Script.
Otherwise the Cache TOP could help you only retrieve a single image (if you need it at startup, toggle on the parameter “Get One Image on Startup”). Also set the “Cache Size” to 1. If nothing looks at the Render TOP, it wont be cooking…
depends a bit on the goal, but you need to lock the operator that holds the data you wish to have access to. This could be a File In operator if you still want to adjust parameters of connected filters, or the last operator in the branch if you are just interested in the end result.