Render TOP problems

Hello Comuntiy

I have a problem with render TOP because for some reason doesn’t render my Camera COMP, I think that maybe would be a GPU problem but I’d check to the info parameters in render TOP and say that I only have used 259 of 519 o my Memory GPU. I dont know what to do please can anywone can help me I cant make a visualization render for my project and that a problem. Here are some screenshots images from the problem. Captura de pantalla 2020-05-26 a la(s) 5.35.10


Hi @Jasoptic,

welcome to the community. Can you post the file here - that might make it easier to debug your issue.
Also can you let us know your computer specs?


Also make sure you have your macOS updates applied, early versions of Mojave and Catalina were broken, you need to update past 10.xx.2 to be safe.