Render Top select different camera?

I was wondering how I would go about attaching a table dat (with a column of camera names) to the camera attribute of a render top so i could select different cameras for that render Top. I’m starting to investigate the Touch scripting language but haven’t found the method yet.

The reason I’ve been asking so many questions lately is because I have a large show to play at in less than two weeks from now so I’m trying to build a performance project as fast as possible.



Got it! Sorry for asking guys but the expressions explanaton part of the commands and expressions dialog has a bug and I couldn’t read the explanations. When you select an expression no description comes up but if you move the scroll bar on the side it appears. I was then able to read what the “expand” and “tabr” expressions do. Below is my solution.


cameraSelect.tox (2.92 KB)

Thanks for reporting the Commands and Expressions dialog bug, we’ll fix it asap. You can also get help in the textport for commands and expressions.

In the textport, type help for a list of all commands, and exhelp for a list of all expressions. If you want the help on a certain command, type help commandname, and for expressions type exhelp expressionname.