hi, do you have a soft shadows example?
hi, do you have a soft shadows example?
No sorry, not at this time. It can be done with the help of some GLSL trickery, but we haven’t had time to create an example yet. I’ll try to get something together in the near future.
Ok, here’s a soft shadow example using a method called Percentage Closer soft shadows. Read about the technique here on NVIDIA’s site. Thanks to Malcolm for converting the Cg shader to GLSL.
There is a slider in the network which controls the torus height, notice the softness of the shadow changing with the object’s distance from the plane.
softshadow.toe (8.48 KB)
anyone else getting results like this? Actually, in the latest build it doesn’t work at all
Do you happen to have the experimental FBOs turned on? This works fine for me normally, but looks similar to what you are getting when I have FBOs turned on.
no fbo. with fbo I get this
with fbo off I now get this (and sometimes the previously posted screenshot)
And my renderdepth render TOP has a cooktime of 30ms
driver version is 186.18
upgraded to a new gpu (driver 191.07), now the torus doesn’t have those artifacts, but the shadow is still jaggy
so is this how it’s supposed to look?
Also, on another machine, I get errors when loading the file and touch just displays the checkboards
2 line(s) were added to the begining of the pixel shader by Touch.
Pixel Shader Compile Results:
(30) : error C0000: syntax error, unexpected '[', expecting '(' at token "["
(30) : error C0501: type name expected at token "["
(47) : error C1068: too much data in type constructor
(86) : warning C7011: implicit cast from "int" to "float"
I am getting the same artifacts with 2 different drivers. I’ll have to take a deeper look at it soon, it should not look like that.
any news on this one
is this one working for anyone?