Renderpick active toggle

One thing I find my self doing every time I use a render pick in a tool or sub system in my application is optimizing it to only work under certain conditions. IE if my mouse cursor is inside a certain pane, or if the application window is in a certain state, etc.

This isn’t terribly hard to do currently, but it feels a bit hacky, the only way to get the render pick to not cook every frame (if it’s set to always) is to make the render/renderpass TOP field empty programatically.

This works, but it would be really clean to have something like an “Active” toggle like the timer chop has.

Again, not a really critical thing, but curious to know if anyone else runs into this a lot?

Did you try the RenderPickCHOP? When i set the trigger to be “inside” of the refference COMP it will only cook when actually inside that component.

Yep! renderpick chop.
Are you talking about the channel name that goes in the parameter “Panel Value”?

I see what you’re saying, set strategy to while select, or something like that, and let the select trigger be inside/outside state?

That could work, but the only tricky thing is I do currently leverage the selectStart, select, and selectEnd event’s pretty heavily, so those would no longer mean the same things if using inside. Will def keep this in mind though as there are a few places I could use this where clicking isn’t really needed.

Yes, im talking about panel value. But could you not instead use select as the panel value?
Otherwise, im currently working on some callback system for RenderPicking using an OOP approach. So the handler is basicly running all the time the picker is active but handles all the hover start, hover end etc stuff. Still working out some of the stuff when not selecting any GEO (thats why there is a blank one in the background).RenderPickCallbacks.toe (7.8 KB)

Ya we may be approaching a similar workflow just a bit differently, I am also running the render pick constantly, because hover info is needed, and so is knowing what object is under the mouse just before a click etc. For that reason I can’t use select as the panel value, because the renderpick is blind until the user’s mouse is down.

so solution for me is to never have more than one renderpick “active” at a time, and to do that I use the inside flag of whatever comp it’s monitoring as a toggle.

This looks awesome, Nice approach!