Request: Network Markup (Groups, Boxes, Comments)

Just necroing these two requests from 2012 and 2017

It would greatly decrease my cognitive strain to be able to markup my network with boxes and text (think sticky notes) that don’t affect node function in any way. In the same way that comments work in code.

Right now, when I come back to a part of my project that I haven’t looked at in a while, it takes me too long to reacquaint myself with my own work. And also when passing work between collaborators, it would be so helpful to just demarcate sections of the network without having to use nesting.

By themselves, the built in node comments do not solve this, nor do node colors. I’ve resorted to leaving text tops around my network as sticky notes, which helps.

If I were able to, for example, drag a ‘comment box’, pick a color, and write a bit of text with it, it would save me energy and time:

Is a feature like this being considered?

yes, coming soon.


:heartbeat: :heartpulse: :heartbeat: :heavy_heart_exclamation: :heartbeat: :heartpulse: :heartbeat: :heavy_heart_exclamation: :heartbeat: :heartpulse: :heartbeat: :heavy_heart_exclamation:

that would be wonderful

this will be amazing :partying_face:

this will be great!

I use big Text TOPs with black background for commenting, but this would be super-neat and frictionless (always a contributor to bothering to do something) :slight_smile: