Request: Twitch VOD Audio Track for Stream Out Top

I am not sure if it’s currently possible as I am still experimenting with streaming Audio to Twitch, but it would be extremely useful to be able to send Audio to Twitch that is muted in the VOD. OBS has the functionality and would love to see it come to the Stream Out Top.

From OBS’s Github-
“* Added the ability to use a separate audio track for the VOD when using Twitch [Jim]
* If using Simple output mode, enable “Enable Advanced Encoder Settings”, and enable “Twitch VOD Track (Uses Track 2)”. Twitch VOD output will then be on audio track 2
* If using Advanced output mode in the Streaming tab, enable “Twitch VOD Track” and select the track you’d like to use for it
* Special thanks to Twitch for assisting during the development of this feature”