RESOLVED: 2023.11340 Win. Child panels align behavour

Here is an example:
alignBug.toe (5.2 KB)

topUi_COMP has TopToBottom child align, child_COMP width should follow topUi_COMP width by expression ref.

Click buttons to set random topUi_COMP width/height and child_COMP height → wrong panels align behavour appears. Also behavour changes in cases:

  • topUi_COMP viewer is open or not
  • TD perform mode or TD editor mode

I’m happy to take a look at this, but don’t want to play the random panel game checking for bugs! Please send specific examples of things that aren’t sizing properly, with instructions for how to reproduce, if steps need to be taken while TD is running. If a bug requires making a change while TD is running, just make a script to run that causes it, but no randomization :wink:

There is a difference when panels are being viewed vs when they are not being viewed, TD tries to avoid doing unnecessary work. It is of course possible there are bugs in that system too… feel free to send examples of that.

Hi Ivan,
Sorry for missleading.
The bug dissaperas once the toe file is reopened.
Here is a short video on how to reproduce the bug:

Okay I see that bad behavior! Container2 jumps to bottom instead of top, yeah?

Strangely though, even following the video I couldn’t get it to happen on my machine. Just for a sanity check, what version of TD are you using and what are your machine specs?

Alternatively, if you can list the steps you take or create a script that causes the problem when run, maybe I can reproduce.

Im not able to reproduce it either in 2023.11340.
Can you confirm that was the build in which you originally saw the issue?
Are you able to save out the toe file from which the youtube video was made?

The bug dissapears after Nvidia driver update.