RESOLVED: 88 10500 X64 GLSL MAT and Alpha

I have some trouble making a GLSL MAT with alpha channel.

I wrote a simple pixel shader that for all pixel return a single color
gl_FragColor = vec4(0,1,0,1) ( green , with alpha = 1 )

if i enable transparency in Material and change the alpha to vec4(0,1,0,0) full transparency,
material seems tranparent but not fully …

i tried with a constant material and change the alpha channel , in that case it works fine.

I tried on a ATI card and Nvidia card, i tried alos on TD77, i get all the same not fully transparence GLSL MAT.

So i am wondering if it is a bug or more likly a mistake of my own .
Any suggestion appreciated.

testGLSL.5.toe (4.05 KB)

A RGBA with an alpha > that a color channel is considered an illegal color, and will not blend properly. Generally you should multiply your color by your alpha right at the end of the shader to make them legal. Alternatively you can set the Blend Source option to “Source Alpha” instead of “One”, this will also multiply RGB by Alpha before blending.