RESOLVED: <ctl><a> as select-all?

Hi all, is there a reason why pressing control-a does not select all operators in the network editor?

It’s a convention in many programs and would make sense to me here, unless there’s some bad thing that would happen if we did that?


You’re right, it should be ctrl+a. But for now you can use just ‘a’, that will select all nodes in a network pane.

We have a bunch of keyboard shortcuts to fix before release, there are a lot of inconsistencies. For example, some dialogs open with alt+key while others use alt+shift+key. I’d also like to adopt more shortcuts that are ‘standard’, like ctrl+a for select all, and ctrl-f for find.

Help is already on the RMB menu for each node. its the 4th item down.

Longtian006 seems to be a bot copying part of other messages/threads, not a real user…

Thanks for pointing that out, banned him.