RESOLVED: Long Lag in creating operator in 088

Whenever I try to create an operator in 088 I have a long lag… (about 8 seconds)… Its very frustrating and makes using it unbearable to use, so I’ve just been going back to 077… (077 is working fine)

I also can’t drag to export a chop… (basically it seems like the gui is just hanging on certain things)

Anyone have any thoughts of what it could be… ?

Windows 7 pro 64bit
16gb ram
Nvidia 580m
touch 088 64bit 10280

You could open the Console found under the Dialogs menu and see if there are any scrolling errors whenever you create a new operator.

Sometimes this sounds like a broken record, but have you tried updating your Nvidia graphics drivers recently? Give that a shot if not.

Hey Ben, thanks for the response… … wanted to give an update…

I forgot that I uninstalled the latest nvidia drivers because I was actually having problems with 077 recognizing it (not sure what version of Nvidia it was)… But anyway… long story short, I just updated Nvidia to the latest and now 088 is working just fine… Problem solved…