RESOLVED: massive ram usage for render top?

i’m not sure if this is a bug or not, but creating render TOPs in the new touch build seems to take up a lot of GPU ram. a 1280x800 render TOP, with nothing special (just one light, one geo comp, etc) takes like 30MB of GPU ram. is that normal? even with a 24-bit depth map, that seems crazy!

Hey, it’s correct. Here’s the breakdown.

Final output image: 1280 * 800 * 4 color bytes per pixel = 4,096,000 bytes

Anti aliased rendering:
(Color Buffer) 1280 * 800 * 4 color bytes per pixel +
(Depth Buffer) 1280 * 800 * 3 bytes per pixel (24-bit) = 7,168,000

Anti alias at 4x: 7,168,00 * 4 = 28,672,000

Total = 28,672,000 + 4,096,000 = 32,768,000

I think the difference you are noticing is that new Render TOPs have a default antialias of 4x, while in older builds they were created with an antialias of 0.