RESOLVED: No animation when import fbx from Mixamo |42312

No animation when import fbx from Mixamo |b2018.42312
attached fbx from mixamo.

Keep up the great work.
Run To Rolling.fbx (2.04 MB)

Looks like that FBX file has two animations. The one it defaults to doesn’t do anything. I think the one you’re looking for is the second one. You can select it from the drop-down on the Play page.

thanks didnt know it can contain few animations
very cool ,
but as it seem,
it doesn’t play.

The animation doesn’t work when you switch it to Does anything appear in the Import Select CHOP inside the FBX COMP?

only when got inside the container,
and got back out - it started to play.

Probably a cooking bug with the Import Select CHOP. I’ll fix that.

maybe it will be good idea to
add logic that says
if length of animation > 1 or something
place it as default. - usually when placing animation in fbx - you will want to see it play.

I fixed the cooking bug and I also changed it to not include animations with no channels. These will be in the next experimental.