RESOLVED:Oculus touch controller buttons

Having an issue recently where touch controller buttons no longer register in the Oculus Rift CHOP.
They are showing tracking data in the CHOP, and the buttons slider is enabled, but they don’t return any button input.

I updated to the latest Oculus Driver and latest 2020 build on Windows.

I then tried using SteamVR, and its a similar issue. HMD and controllers track fine, but no button data.


In order to get Oculus Touch controller button states the HMD needs to be active (ie. you need to wear it), whereas position/orientation tracking are updated independently from the HMD.

I haven’t tried the Oculus Touch controllers in OpenVR, but to get them to work you’d need to create an input binding for them similar to the one that exists for Vive controllers in TD. More details here:

Thanks Eric,

I’m afraid that even with an active HMD there is no button input. I have been developing a few VR implementations in Touch, so I was surprised it seemed to have stopped working. I checked with another Touch user and they confirmed a similar behavour.

Is anything else that could have been overlooked to get it working?

Is anything rendered to the HMD? Is the TouchDesigner application active on the Rift, or is it sitting in the homescreen?

To test, I put down the oculusRift palette example, activated my HMD, and then all button values came in.

Thanks Eric,

I’ve managed to track down what was stopping input, regardless of having the Rift Active you have to have the Oculus Rift TOP sending something, even if its just a blank constant TOP. I didn’t need output in the HMD on this project so I didn’t connect video output. Good to know that’s an essential part of the loop.

Thanks, the pallete tip helped me A/B my setup.

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